Cara Rose Executive Director, Pocahontas County, CVB
❝Future Generations has been an instrumental partner with the Pocahontas County CVB in developing and promoting the West Virginia maple syrup product. With Future Generation’s support, Pocahontas County has been able to build our Mountain State Maple Days event into a robust agritourism product that has generated new partnerships with our maple syrup producers, restaurants, and other tourism partners. This partnership is allowing the CVB to expand our shoulder season tourism economy, promote a local agritourism product and promote this authentic West Virginia experience to visitors and positively impact the local economies and help farmers diversify.❞

Keith Heasley WVMSPA Officer & WV Maple Producer, Research Partner
❝As a former president and present treasurer for the West Virginia Maple Syrup Producers Association (WVMSPA), I have personally seen Future Generations University’s extremely positive impact on the maple syrup industry in West Virginia. They have sponsored maple syrup training to help get new producers started and to help present producers optimize the quality and quantity of their production. They have lead research projects to increase the available market for West Virginia maple syrup and to improve the design of 3/16 inch tubing collection systems. For the benefit of the small WVMSPA, they have directly provided editorial, managerial and financial support to help the association thrive and prosper.❞

Mountain State Maple Days- Join maple syrup producers across the State when they open their sugarcamps for two days to the public! Tour the sugarbush, see maple syrup being made, sample some of West Virginia's finest treasure- pure maple syrup right from the source!

MonForest Towns- The MFT partnership was formed to cultivate relations across lands and forest gateway communities that will enhance the economy and quality of life for residents and visitors while sustaining the quality of the environment.

Authentic Appalachia- This unique collective brings together maple syrup producers from across the Appalachian region and helps place their product on the shelves of larger grocery stores in more competitive markets.

Reading the Woods- A professional development program for technical service providers who service West Virginia’s woodland stewards. This cohort works to integrate diverse skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to offer technical assistance to woodland stewards throughout Appalachia.

West Virginia Maple Syrup Producers Association- The West Virginia Maple Syrup Producers Association helps West Virginia farmers connect with each other. Most of their farms focus on maple syrup and related products. However, some are exploring other tree syrups such as sycamore and walnut.

Virginia Tree Syrup Producers Association
The Virginia Tree Syrup Producers Association is an organization managed by and for Virginia syrup producers. Their goal is to help new and existing syrup producers connect with others, keep up to date with production practices, and increase awareness of Virginia syrup. Most of their members produce maple syrup, but a growing number of farmers are beginning to produce syrup from other trees like Black Walnut too!
For more information on the programs, services, associations, or initiatives shared on this page please email syrup@future.edu.